Positive Odd One Out
What a wonderful and fascinating world I find myself in!
As a ‘strange marketing duck’ in the sustainable energy and circular economy realm, I often find myself amazed by the things I see, hear, and experience. I realize that I approach certain developments from a different perspective. This means I tend to notice things others might not see.
That’s why, starting this week, I’d like to share what catches my attention—whether it’s a mirror, an obvious truth, or a new insight. Feel free to leave a comment if you agree with me, see things differently, or have another question. And feel free to involve others!
I’ll begin by sharing what led me to start Green Positive in the first place. The energy transition and sustainability can be accelerated in the same way that most successful transitions happen: with money being earned. When revenue comes in or value increases, acceleration happens more quickly. Your business model, proposition, and marketing serve as the lubricant to move into the market and meet the needs of your customers.
Is this surprising? Is it bad? No and no. A commercial approach is actually healthy.
Is this already the reality of sustainability within companies? Only partially. Sustainability is still primarily viewed as a cost or a duty.
What’s the effect of this? With some exceptions, many organizations and entrepreneurs fail to justify the business case for their investments or overestimate the risks. This feeds the ‘I want to, but I can’t’ paradox or “my customer won’t pay for my sustainability investments.”
Does this sound familiar?
Now, what if you look at it from the market and customer demand perspective? On the customer side, business models and propositions that link ‘sustainability to customer demand’ are relatively rare. Here, in several industries, there are real opportunities for the ultimate win (your business) – win (the customer) – win (sustainable entrepreneurship).
That’s why I started Green Positive. If you start with the customer, you can make the ‘real value’ of your sustainability decision or investment clear through visibility and transparency. Instead of waiting for your customers to ask for it, for legislation to require it, or for all your competitors to catch up, you can take the step forward yourself.
That may sound abstract, but in reality, it’s quite the opposite! How? Call or email us.